Saturday, June 18, 2011

Web Standards Update for Visual Studio 2010 SP1

There is great future for HTML 5 and CSS 3. Still they are not approved by W3C. But all new browsers make them HTML 5 and CSS 3 completable. IE 9 and firefox 4 are supports almost all features of HTML 5 and CSS 3.  In order this scenario, the Web Platform and Tools team is very pleased to announce the first Web Standards Update for Visual Studio SP1. 

After install Web Standards Update the HTML5 intellisense and validation to reflect the latest W3C specifications and fixes some bugs in the current SP1 support for HTML5. Also JavaScript intellisense it updated to reflect many of the new browser capabilities such as Geolocation and DOM storage. Finally, this update adds comprehensive CSS3 intellisense and validation based on the latest specifications from W3C. 

The Web Platform and Tools team just released the first Web Standards Update for Visual Studio 2010 SP1. Despite its name, the update also works for Visual Web Developer Express 2010 SP1.
In this first release of the update, The team have focused on bringing the HTML5 support up-to-date, adding CSS 3 support and bring more new API’s to the JavaScript intellisense. The plan is to make a release about every 3 months to keep Visual Studio updated with the changes made by W3C.

  • Visual Studio 2010 SP 1
We can download Web Standards Update for Visual Studio SP1 from follow link.
For further read on HTML 5 and CSS Read bellow blog

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